Brooke Terry  

SPAM, My Unfortunate Enemy

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed a safe and happy holiday with family. Ours was nice and so very restful, so I enjoyed getting to sit in front of my computer a little bit more to work on my sequel. It is coming, and it is going to be good. Just you wait!

Before the holidays, I am happy to report that I got an email from my publishing company, Beacon Publishing Group, asking if I had finished the edits sent over in November.

My heart dropped. NOVEMBER!! After I signed my publishing contract around August, I have meticulously scanned my email in hopes of finding those edits, and I had missed it somehow! I typed out a reply quickly and prepared myself to face the enemy…my SPAM folder. There were no remnants of my edits in there, but I was not deceived. My SPAM folder and I fight a constant battle over my emails. I regret to inform you that my SPAM folder is a hungry folder and eagerly devours emails. It also seems that it has a taste for book edits.

Sure enough, the newly re-sent email of edits landed there. IN. MY. SPAM. Thank goodness, Brooke the Valiant came to the rescue! I retrieved my edits without a scratch and set them aside for a few days until I had time to work through them. I made it two days until I could wait no longer, and I dragged myself out of bed at 2:30 AM, opened my laptop, and got to work. At 4:30 AM, I went back to bed, over halfway through with them and pleased with the comments made.

They have since then been submitted, and I continue to keep a watchful eye on that hungry SPAM folder. The first leg of my publishing journey is complete! And the scores are as follows:


Brooke: 2

Keep your hopes up that SPAM will not win the next round by devouring new edits or possible book covers. I’m eagerly expecting another email within the next few weeks. Fingers crossed!

book cover mockup for Brooke Terry

Looking for a new fantasy world to dive into? Look no further!

Trouble brews in the country of Arvenia, but life continues on for most of its residents. Only the dreamwalkers know that something has changed. They hide their secrets as they have always done, but this cannot protect them from the gruesome attacks that plague Arvenia’s lands, stretching from the capital of Avendale in the west, to the coastal parish of Willow in the east. The dreamwalkers are being murdered, and someone is stealing their skills, the very essence that separates them from typicals and allows them to enter into and influence dreams. An unlikely pair of dreamwalkers are united as they both seek answers and justice: Ansley, an 18-year-old girl, who has just inherited her skill, and Kenna, a seasoned wielder of earth. Separately, they use their skills to protect their families and friends in the dream realm, until they are brought together by fate. Little do they know that the past holds the answers to the questions they now face in their search for justice and the age-old evil that seeks to destroy the heritage they hold so dear.

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